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E-Finance News

25 подписчиков

Investors slim down Weight Watchers, J.C. Penney collapses as Monster Energy explodes

Opinion: shawn  Wait till the end of the day before you say JCP collapsed. 26 (right now) is no big deal. Was down but others see the big value in this company instead of the haters, or wanna be journalist. finance.yahoo.com

US economic growth in Q4 revised down to 2.2 percent

The U.S. economy slowed more sharply in the final three months of the year than initial estimates, reflecting weaker business stockpiling and a bigger trade deficit. Opinion: Rust Brown Look at statistics. Since 1976 our GDP growth rate was dropping down steadily. The US economy is in deep crisis

What are penny stocks?

New investors are often attracted to penny stocks due to the large opportunity for profits they seem to present. "If the shares can just trade up from $0.10 to $0.20 each, I'd double my money" is a popular line of thinking. Opinion: Nick R Trade penny stocks while earning $75 an hour working from

Jobs report may test market's complacency

The U.S. stock market has been quiet this week - too quiet. Opinion: GJ  "Bad job numbers next week could derail the market"
Over the last two years, we had a series of headers, "X could derail this market"...X was Ukraine, Israeli-Palestine skirmishes, fear that Israel could bomb Iranian

Commodities mixed in volatile week

Oil prices faced sharp volatility this week amid stubborn oversupply concerns, while metals aimed higher as Chinese trading picked up following the Lunar New Year, dealers said. Sentiment brightened partially on news that eurozone finance ministers backed an extension of Greece's bailout lifeline.

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